
Monday, January 30, 2012

Monk Job Change Quest

Monk Job Quest

Monk Job Quest - Getting Started

Guarding Monkprt_monk (59, 247)

Near the entrance of the Monk Field Map
Before you go inside the Monk temple, you must let this man know you want to be a monk. When you tell him your name and your purpose, he will inform you about the NPC you should go for the Monk job test.

How to get to the Monk Temple? From Prontera, go 1 map North, 3 maps East.

Requirements: You must be an acolyte at job level 40 or higher in order to start the quest.

Monk Job Quest - Collecting Items

Sensei Moohaemonk_in (99, 58)

Inside the monk temple

-- -- Item Set 1 -- --
 Tooth of Bat x 10
 Bear's Footskin x 5
 Poison Spore x 20

-- -- Item Set 2 -- --
 Porcupine Quill x 5
 Cobweb x 20
 Grasshopper's Leg x 10

-- -- Item Set 3 -- --
 Stem x 30
 Jellopy x 5
 Worm Peeling x 10

-- -- Item Set 4 -- --
 Sticky Mucus x 5
 Earthworm Peeling x 10
 Green Herb x 20

-- -- Item Set 5 -- --
 Yoyo Tail x 20
 Iron Ore x 5
 Blue Herb x 3

-- -- Item Set 6 -- --
 Solid Shell x 5
 Shell x 20
 Zargon x 5

-- -- Item Set 7 -- --
 Cyfar x 5
 White Herb x 10
 Yellow Herb x 10

When you sign up to start the quest, the first thing he'll do is test your will. He'll ask you to collect some items. Just give him the items he wants to pass this part of the quest. There are 6 possible sets, see the list above. If you are at job level 50, you will not be required to do this test. He will tell you to go directly to Touha.

After you pass this part, he will tell you to speak to Touha for the next test.

Monk Job Quest - Mental State Test

Touhaprt_monk (251, 255)

Top right corner of the monk field map

This is basically a memory test. You have to remember exactly what he said and repeat back to him in the test. It is best to take a screenshot of what he said and check back to it during the test. There are 3 possible sets of sentences he might give you. Here are the references (in eAthena only):

Set 1:
I seek the path
of enlightenment
We monks
shall hold true
to what we believe
and will help protect others
through the teachings
we learn through our lives.
In nomine Patris, et Filii
et Spiritus Sancti.

Set 2:
I commit myself to
veritas and aequitas.
I will follow my path
to enlightenment and purity.
I will protect my
brothers with my life.
Evil shall never be
victorious while I breathe.
In nomine Patris, et Filii
et Spiritus Sancti.

Set 3:
And shepherds we shall be
for thee my lord for thee.
Power hath descended forth
from the hand
so our feet may swiftly carry
out thy command. And we shall
flow a river forth to thee and
teeming with souls shall it ever be
In nomine Patris, et Filii
et Spiritus Sancti.
Once you are finished, he will ask you to seek Boohae for further guidance.

Monk Job Quest - Marathon or Collect Mushrooms

Boohaeprt_monk (57,179)

lower left corner of the monk field map

If you select the right menu options, he will explain the test to you. 
In this test, you have a choice between a Marathon or Mushroom Collection. You can switch if you cannot pass one and would like to try the other.

Monk Job Quest - Marathon

Bashumonk_test (329,61)

Inside a building located at the center of the monk field map

Talk to Bashu to choose the Marathon Test, he will warp you to the test room. In the test room, make sure you begin by talking to the Apprentice Monk, tell him you want to get started with the running before you go off (Note: in the eAthena script, it looks like telling him again that you want to run after completing the first lap might reset your lap count to 0).

In this test, you have to run around the track for between 8 to 10 maps, determined randomly. If you fall into any of the traps on the track, you will be warped to the starting line to start the current lap from the beginning. The side of the track is made of solid tiles so you will not fall into them. 

If you run out of patience, you can tell the Apprentice Monk you are going to give up and he will warp you out. 

A screenshot of monk test rooms can be seen here: <a href=''>track</a>

Monk Job Quest - Mushroom Collecting
Bashumonk_test (329,61)

Inside a building located at the center of the monk field map

 Orange Net Mushroom x various
 Orange Gooey Mushroom x various
Not Applicable
Talk to Bashu to choose the Mushroom Collecting Test. He will warp you to the test room. In the test room, make sure you begin by talking to Hyunmoo, tell him you want to start collecting mushrooms now.

In this test, you just have to collect mushrooms. He won't tell you how many you need. When you think have enough, talk to Hyunmoo to see it is enough for him to pass you.

In eAthena servers, it seems that you have to have at least 30 of one kind of mushroom, plus at least one of the other kind of mushroom in order to pass the test.

If you run out of patience, you can tell Hyunmoo you are going to give up and he will warp you out.

Monk Job Quest - Invisible Wall Maze

Tomoonmonk_test (319, 139)
Go through the portal behind Bashu

Green Potion x 1

This is the last test of the monk quest. In this test, you have to get from one side of a room to another. Is it not that easy because there are invisible walls blocking your way and monsters to distract you.

After you talk to Tomoon he will warp you into the pre-test room with 3 Test Assistants, left, right and middle. Each of them will warp you to a different room where you will take your test.

When you complete the test, you will be back to Tomoon again, talk to him. He will give you a green potion, drink it. If you already have some green potion with you, you have to drink all of them.

Hints: If you want to know how the invisible walls are arranged in each room, then click here (*spoiler*). The Test Assistant on the left will warp you to the top right room, the one on in the middle will warp you to lower left room, and the one at the right will warp you to the top left room.

Monk Job Quest - Job Change

Sensei Moohaemonk_in (99, 58)
The NPC that give you the first test 

-- For Job Level Below 50 --
 Waghnak [3] x 1 

-- For Job Level 50 -
 Knuckle Dusters [3] x 1 

Make sure you don't have any green potion on you, talk to Sensei Moohae. He will ask you a series of questions, just use common sense and give him the answers as a monk would. 

After that, he will change you into a monk. 

If you are at job level 50, you will get a Knuckle Duster [3], otherwise you will get a Waghnakh [3].


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